Visiting Library Service

*Postal Code
  Family member/friend who may be contacted if we are unable to reach you:
*Telephone #
  What genres do you like? (Please check all that apply)

  Favourite Authors
  The library has several magazines available. Please check off any you would be interested in receiving

  Please indicate the type and quantity of material you are interested in receiving:




Please carefully read and agree to the following:
  1. I authorize the Sault Ste. Marie Public Library staff to select and check out materials on my behalf based on the criteria I have indicated in this application form.
  2. I am aware that Visiting Library Service volunteers will deliver material to my home.
  3. I understand that Visiting Library Service works on a monthly rotation and that loans are for a period of approximately four weeks.
  4. I agree to have all materials ready for pickup on their due date unless I have arranged to have the material renewed. Renewals must be made one week in advance. Because of waiting lists, renewals are not guaranteed.
  5. I will be responsible for the cost of any material lost or damaged, while in my possession. Visiting Library Service patrons will not be charged overdue fines.
  6. I will report any changes in address or phone number.
  7. I will notify the library if I require my Visiting Library Service suspended for any reason, including vacation or illness.
*Captcha Text