Divergent Summer Challenge 2022!

Which faction do you belong to?

Throughout the months of July and August the Sault Ste. Marie Public Library is offering the Teen/Tween Divergent Summer Challenge! We welcome everyone to participate in the program, however prizes are for participants between the ages of 12 and 19.

True to the theme, five local businesses will represent the five factions of the novels in the Divergent series, which are ABNEGATION, AMITY, CANDOR, DAUNTLESS, and ERUDITE.

Be sure to complete your training for each faction.

There will be a bi-weekly prize and three grand prizes at the end of August! The more training/challenges you do, the more chances you have to win!

For more information, clues for factions’ headquarters, and bonus challenges, visit our website at ssmpl.ca or our social media (Instagram/Facebook).

Alternatively, call the Reference and Information Desk at 705-759-5236 or email b.ahonen@cityssm.on.ca.

Click HERE to view other events happening in August
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