PLEASE NOTE: As of MONDAY JANUARY 06, 2025, our ILL services have resumed!
Sometimes we don’t have the book you are looking for, but we can try and get it through our Interlibrary Loan Service. If the book you want is not listed in our catalogue and it was published more than 12 months ago, we may be able to borrow a copy from an out-of-town public library. There is no fee for interlibrary loan service, however, books can take anywhere from a few days, to a few weeks to arrive depending on the location of the lending library. Please note that books must be in print format and we are unable to make interlibrary loan requests for DVDs, CDs, and ebooks.
Before submitting an ILL request please verify:
1. The book is not listed on the Sault Ste. Marie Public Library catalogue.
2. The book was published more than 12 months ago.
3. The book is in print format. We are not able to make requests for DVDs, CDs, or electronic versions of books.
4. Your library card has not expired.
To request an inter-library loan please fill out and submit the form below, or visit the Sault Ste. Marie Public Library with the following information. You can also call the Reference and Information Desk at 705-759-5236 to make a request.
Please note that there is a limit of 10 active interlibrary loans per patron.