SSMPL Slogan - One stop...endless possibilities
Sault Ste. Marie Public Library

Teen Advisory Group (T.A.G.)

What does T.A.G. stand for?

The Teen Advisory Group (T.A.G.) is an advisory committee made up of teens from the secondary schools within our community. It provides teenagers (13-18) with an opportunity to voice their ideas about what they would like to see more at the library. Working with library staff, teens will provide input on collections, programming, and marketing. 

Benefits of T.A.G.?

  1. It’s Awesome!
  2. Volunteer experience that looks excellent on University/College or job applications
  3. A great way to make new friends.
  4. Develop leadership, organizational, communication skills within a team environment.
  5. Make a difference within your community.

How to apply?

If you are between the ages of 13-18, are attending secondary school, and have a willingness to participate fill out the application below or email Bentley at

T.A.G. Application

What are we working on currently?

The Teen Advisory Group is currently working on:

  • A Teen Advisory Group Book Club
  • Collection development for Teen Book Clubs
  • Discussing ideas for community events.